The Stratus XL can be paired with several different devices, but it can only be actively connected to one at a time.
If you've used your controller with one device and now are not able to successfully connect it to a second device, chances are the controller thinks it's still paired with the original device. This can result in the controller showing as being paired but not having full connectivity.
What you'll need to do to resolve this issue now and in the the future is:
1) Either remove the pairing from the Android or other Windows device, or turn off the Bluetooth radio on the secondary device.
2) Navigate to your Bluetooth menu, click Stratus XL, and click remove device.
3) Power cycle the controller and pair the device again as a new Bluetooth device. Allow the pairing process to finish.
4) Power cycle the controller once more, then press any button to connect with the actively paired device.
If you've done this correctly, the controller will show 1 solid LED (for a Windows device). While paired to an Android device, the LEDs will continue blinking or cycling despite the controller being paired.